Our Work

Union Township Comprehensive Plan

The 2024 Union Township Comprehensive Plan was developed in response to increased development and growth pressures happening in Licking County and the broader Central Ohio region. It was designed to serve as a blueprint for land use and public policy decisions within Union Township over the next several decades. Crossroads provided recommendations that are aimed at balancing growth and preservation to protect and enhance the quality of life, fostering community partnerships, supporting sustainable infrastructure, and promoting economic prosperity while maintaining the rural character valued by the Township's residents and leaders.

Crossroads provided the following services:

A complete Comprehensive Plan: A comprehensive plan, also known as a master plan or strategic plan, is a document that guides the land use, development, and direction of a municipality, township, or county for the long term. A comprehensive plan identifies issues, formulates ideas, and proposes policy to inform the community and officials of the direction a community’s zoning, land use, and development should take.

Survey: The survey collected demographic data and insights on why residents live in the Township, preferred types and locations for development, and opinions on the quality of services, housing, parks, and roads, helping to identify resident priorities and focus planning efforts.

Open House: The public was invited to assist Crossroads in understanding the vision and goals by completing a questionnaire that detailed their thoughts and recommendations in response to the presented information.

Implementation Matrix: A detailed roadmap for executing the plan's recommendations, including implementation partners and timeframes. There were 9-14 recommendations for each theme.

Key themes involved in the recommendations included:

  • Balancing Growth & Preservation to Protect and Enhance the Quality of Life
  • Fostering Partnerships to Enhance Community Services
  • Supporting Sustainable Infrastructure
  • Promoting Economic Prosperity
blueprint for land use and public policy