Our Work

Trenton Township Comprehensive Plan

Trenton Township worked with Crossroads to create an updated Comprehensive Plan to adapt and prepare for the growth and change in the region. The Comprehensive Plan worked to achieve the following:

  • Address demographic and economic changes while preserving rural character and quality of life.
  • Navigate growth pressures from Delaware County and potential annexation by Sunbury.
  • Provide a strategic framework to balance growth, enhance community services, and diversify the local economy.
  • Improve resident communication and foster collaborative partnerships to intentionally guide development.

The planning process included community input to guide the plan. Crossroads led a resident steering committee that was created to help guide the planning process, administered a community survey, and held multiple community meetings to educate the community on the purpose of a comprehensive plan as well as receive feedback. Public feedback was instrumental in creating the Plan’s vision statement, goals, and recommendations. The plan identified three broad goal areas that each contained specific subgoals and recommendations. These categories were economic development, rural lifestyle, and community relationships.

community input to guide the plan
Address demographic and economic changes